Best Free Job Boards in Indonesia - 2023

Best Free Job Boards in Indonesia - 2023

Free job boards in Indonesia

In 2023, most job seekers in Indonesia are still finding opportunities using job boards. If you are a company looking to hire in Indonesia, you cannot source candidates without using a job advertisement and promoting your company branding. 

Posting a job ad on free job boards is usually the first step to external talent sourcing. Depending on the difficulty and complexity of the role, you may also use recruitment agencies in Indonesia. 

Key Data:

  • The Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), on the penetration survey report & behavioural profile of Internet users in Indonesia in 2019, states that the use of the Internet for work purposes is in the top 3 of all existing reasons with a percentage of 11.5%. 
  • According to the 2019 Indonesia Millennial Report, one in two Indonesian millennials found information on job offers through job boards. From the research conducted by IDN Research Institute, 47.7% of millennials have searched for job vacancies on the internet. 

But which free job board should your organization choose to get the best results? 

Common hassles of free job boards in Indonesia

As a recruiter, you need to fill your talent pipeline fast while optimizing your talent-sourcing budget. We surveyed 100 organizations looking for talent in Indonesia, here is the feedback : 

  • It is difficult to try the effectiveness of a job board without trying it first 
  • Most job boards require payment upfront in return for poor results 
  • Poor interface and usability of the job boards. 
  • Lack of export options: difficult to share profiles with the hiring team
  • Just too many job boards are available, lack of differentiation. 

Recommendations before posting to free job boards in Indonesia 

  • Try before you pay: Some job boards will try to hook you with a lump sum, pay-per-job ads or even with a subscription. Beware of “free account registration”, or “Free trial”. You may end up paying a fee before receiving the first results. 
  • Ensure job boards help you filter applicants to your skills requirements for better selection. 
  • Easily share results with your team members. 

Reminder: A job description is not a job ad  

A job description is an internal document used by the HR department, hiring managers, and employees as an overview of the role (and often linked to the organization’s employee performance system, internal skills library, and Learning & Development system). The Hiring manager is the owner of the job description, not HR! 

A job ad is an external document formulated by the HR department, especially the recruitment team to publish the role to job seekers in a compelling manner with the objective to stand out from other job descriptions. It highlights the key requirements of the job and highlights what makes the job interesting (in other terms, why you should apply). 

Tips to publish job advertisements on free job boards

1. Understand the KEY requirements of the job 

1st rookie mistake: going into editing mode without understanding the key requirements of the job. Grasp the key essential duties first, and follow our method summarized here: 

Avoid listing general duties such as: “Generate new sales opportunities”. Instead, go for something like “Actively prospect key decision makers using own network, CRM, and attend to regional roadshows”. 

To do so, you need to spend some time with the hiring manager. During the discussion ensure that you understand the key items from the job description and highlight the key elements that should be highlighted in the job advertisement. 

To support your discussions with your hiring manager team, we got you covered with our open job description library templates. Click here to consult our job description library template

2. List the selling points of the job, and the company 

We usually dislike the term “selling” in job ads, as it may sound unauthentic and fake. However, list out the true arguments that make the job and your organization outstanding, such as: 

  • Work in a multicultural team with 10+ nationalities 
  • Culture of accountability and unlimited time off 

Remember this: You are not overselling if the arguments you advance in the job description are true facts, lived by employees within the inside of your organization. 

You can compile these arguments and blast your true value proposition to the candidates. To do this, talk to the employees, newcomers, and managers and gather the strengths of the team/company.

3. Make the job advertisement structured and visual 

 Ensure to organize the job description in the same order way:

  • Company name 
  • Job Title and Location
  • Company Introduction 
  • Job mission 
  • Key Responsibilities 
  • Requirements: Focus on skills!  
  • CTA Apply! 

4. Review and ensure the ad is attention-grabbing. 

Now it is all about the format and the style.   

  • Avoid using Your company’s internal jargon and terms that only internal employees will understand 
  • Use a conversational tone: Write as if you were talking in simple terms. Job advertisements that use a conversational tone tend to perform better than those that use formal language.
  • Add videos or images that reflect the company values. 

These are the key points, but here is a full guide on how to write effective job ads. 

What are the best free job boards in Indonesia per industry?

Below is a list of completely free job boards with no hidden cost that you can use to source job seekers in Indonesia.  

What is the best free job posting site for corporate jobs in Indonesia?

What is the best free job posting site for Hospitality jobs in Indonesia?

What is the best free job posting site for Tech jobs in Indonesia?

What is the best free job posting site for Manufacturing jobs in Indonesia?

What is the best free job posting site for Part-time jobs in Indonesia?

What is the best free job posting site for Full-time jobs in Indonesia?

If you are looking for the best overall free posting site, check out Huneety today. Huneety makes it easy to publish jobs and offers free A.I feature for you to publish jobs. 

The best free job board in Indonesia

Huneety is the best FREE job board to hire qualified candidates faster. In its 100% free version, Huneety allows you to : 

  • Publish jobs using A.I feature: Automate job descriptions and translate them into Thai language in an instant 
  • Collect applications from Huneety marketplace and your company’s recruitment channels
  • Send skills assessments to candidates: you can filter candidates according to yo your unique requirements and hire according to hard skills, behavior, and soft skills requirements. 

Click here to publish your first job for free. 


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